White Gluta Golden Girl est un mélange d'actifs naturels issus de plantes naturelles pour éclaircir la peau grâce aux acides aminés. Le glutathion présent dans le White Gluta aide la peau à produire des tons plus clairs.
7Jours Minceur - 7 Days Slim - Thé minceur en sachets de thé pour perdre du poids rapidement, thé détox naturel et coupe maigre pour les ballonnements de la graisse du ventre au quotidien et la nuit
SLIM PATCH - High effective natural weight loss patches from natural ingredients to help support metabolism and curb cravings. Easy to use and effective, help provide targeted support for a slimmer and healthier body. Uses the same principle as Acupunctur
Keteling natural chinese medicine for cough, choking, asthma, hoarseness
Multi-Vit syrup contains zinc, copper, iodine, selenium and nine vitamin including Vitamin B complex, rich fruits and vegetable juice. Multi-Vit helps to improve metabolism and reduce fatigue and replenish the body with essential nutrients.
VISION SUPPORT DIETARY SUPPLEMENT Support healthy vision and eyes. Support reading clarity. Reduces strain and dryness. Support healthy intraocular pressure and retina.